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April Meeting Recap: Court House West and Langston Blvd. Plan

At the April meeting, Jim Lantelme (a long-time resident of Lyon Village, former LVCA president, and current chair of the county’s Long Range Planning Committee) discussed two upcoming major development projects that could have a major impact on Lyon Village.

Court House West Project: The county is considering what height and density to put on the block bounded by Wilson Blvd., Danville Street, Clarendon Blvd. and Cleveland Street. This includes height options of up to 180 feet, which would be an 18-story residential building. The current Court House Plan envisions commercial buildings of only one to four stories.

Langston Blvd. Plan: A revision will likely be released this spring. The initial version, of released last spring, generated a lot of Lyon Village opposition, centered on a proposal to convert single-family zoning into multi-family housing between Langston Blvd. and N. 18th Street. The original plan would have provided incentives to demolish the houses in those two blocks, including homes on the national register of historic places. Jim mainly responded to questions and described how LV residents can participate in the county planning process going forward. He doubts this proposal will be in the final plan, but stay tuned.

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